
Бригантина Феникс 5. Чистовая обшивка корпуса 1 часть. Стендовый судомоделизм.


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Стендовый судомоделизм. Ship modeling. Modelismo naval. Сборная модель. Как сделать модель корабля из дерева своими руками.
Сборка модели корабля Бригантина Феникс ПЛЮС 1787 год
12 пушечная бригантина эскадры Ф.Ф.Ушакова от производителя наборов Мастер Корабел.

КРЕЙСЕРСКИЕ СУДНО 12 пушечная бригантина «Феникс» вошла в состав Черноморского флота в 1787 году. Экипаж
52 человека. Участвовало в войне с Турцией 1787-1791. В 1788 г в составе эскадры контр-адмирала графа М.И.
Войновича выходило в море на поиск неприятеля, участвовало в сражении у о-ва Фидониси. В 1789 в составе отрядов и
эскадр неоднократно выходило в море на поиск турецких судов.
В 1790 с эскадрой контр-адмирала Ф.Ф. Ушакова, наряду с другими крейсерскими судами осуществляло поиск
турецких судов, участвовало в блокаде Анапы, в сражении у Керченского пролива. В сражении у о-ва Тендра взяло в
плен турецкую 10-пушечную бригантину.
В 1791 вновь ходила на поиск турецких судов к берегам Тавриды, участвовало в сражении у мыса. Калиакра. В 1794
с эскадрой находилось в практическом плавании в Черном море, а в 1795-1797 — в Черном и Азовском морях.
Участвовало в войне с Францией 1798-1800, использовалось как транспортное судно. В ноябре 1798 прибыло из
Севастополя к Корфу с провиантом для эскадры вице-адмирала Ф.Ф. Ушакова. В декабре 1798 доставило в Авлону
требование Ф.Ф. Ушакова к Ибрагим-паше направить турецкие войска для штурма Корфу. В начале 1799 находилось с
эскадрой у Корфу, блокируя крепость. В марте в составе отряда вышло из Корфу, конвоируя транспортные суда с
пленными французами, зашло в Мессину и прибыло в Тулон. В 1801 и 1802 плавало между портами Черного моря.
Разобрано после 1803 в Николаеве.

Мини Верфь ВКонтакте: vk.com/minishipyard
Связаться со мной можно здесь: vk.com/vikulaev
Фотографии моих моделей здесь: www.flickr.com/photos/134944365@N03/albums/

Пень для диорамы. Stump for diorama.

В коробке полно всяких остатков. Как всегда выбросить жалко, а так пристроить некуда. Решил сделать подставку, но чего-то не хватало и решил добавить пенёк.
P.S.: Возможно, кому то и пригодиться этот незначительный опыт.

In the box is full of any leftovers. As always, throw a pity, and so there is nowhere to attach. I decided to make a stand, but something was missing, and I decided to add a stump.
PS: Perhaps someone will benefit from this insignificant experience.

Santisima Trinidad - The Making Of

The making of the model ship Santisima Trinidad.

The scale of the model is 1:90 and it belongs at the OcCre series. The time I needed to make this model was approximately 8 and a half months with hundreds of working hours. The cost was approximately 550 euros (without the display case). The varnish is gloss by choice because it «brings out» the wood, its more easy to clean, you cannot have any white spots and it looks better. You can see this as my trademark! To answer a typical question, yes it will probably float ,but you will never put it in water. Also the vertical sail of the stern is placed this way because if i placed it with the lines vertical it wouldnt fit.This video comes in 4K and has 2 sequential parts, the 1st part is a photo montage (consist of more than 1000 photos) of every step of the making and the 2nd part is a plain video showing the finished model.

The music tracks in this video with the order of playing are:
Habanera, Les Toreadors from Carmen ,Eine Kleine Nachtmusik by Mozart and 1812 Overture by Tchaikosvky.

You can buy a model kit of Santisima Trinidad in OcCre’s web page: www.OcCre.com

If you’ll need any help with your build you can get it from OcCre with personalized replies from their technicians at technic@occre.com

OcCre’s model kits have warranty which you can use to replace the broken or missing pieces in the kits: warranty.occre.com/

Also OcCre offers with all the kits a personalized plaque for free for all who will send an email to them and asking for it at info@occre.com or tehcnic@occre.com

Enjoy! In the following playlist you can watch the entire build with details, guidelines ,secrets and tips:

❣DIY Pirate Ship Using Cardboard❣

Hi, in this video tutorial I will show you how I made a pirate ship using some cardboard from pizza boxes, egg cartons, hot glue, thread, super glue and paint. It took me about 5 days to finish, working a couple of hours daily.
I started by designing the patterns. I had some idea of what I want to create so I drew the profile of the ship, then the top view of the deck. The ribs of the ship were a little bit of a guessing game, only knowing two dimensions from the side view and the top view. I used pizza boxes cardboard for the entire project. It was about 2 mm thick so I doubled the patterns to get a stronger framework. I made some long 15 mm stripes of the same cardboard and started gluing them to the framework. I started from the bottom of the ship and worked my way up. I overlaid each piece over the one before just a little bit. I outlined the railing top view using the deck patterns. You can make the railing wider, thicker or thinner. Mine was 15 mm wide and 6 mm thick. I made the pillars gluing 3 small 30 x 5 mm cardboard pieces together. I added some details using thin stripes of cardboard on the sides. Although these details are not so visible now, they will look great when making the patina. I also added some round and square windows. At this point I needed a stand for the ship. I decided to go for a rocky one, full of textures. I made the stand out of egg cartons. I broke the carton into smaller irregular pieces and glued them together. This type of carton is easy to bend and glue in any shape you want. I made the main three pillars by rolling and gluing the cardboard until I reached the desired thickness. One pillar is about 20 mm thick. The middle one is the tallest and it has 360 mm, the one in front has 320 mm and the last one has 220 mm. I made the curved sails by gluing two pieces of cardboard together and bending them while the glue is still hot. I used the cutting mat to help along with the bending. I added threads as best as I could. I am no expert in this so I googled some images for reference. Even though I had no idea of the correct way this should be done, the threads added a realistic effect to the ship, and this aspect was all that mattered to me. I glued the ends of the threads using super glue. The painting was easy for this project. I covered the surface in a dark color first. This will serve as a base. Make it go in all the cracks and the deepest holes. It will act like a shadow and contrast layer when we add brighter colors. I add a brighter color only to the surface of the texture, gently rubbing the brush with very little pigment so I dont get it in the cracks. On top of that bright color you can add other colors as well. You can make it brighter and more colorful, its your choice. I went for a wooden look for the main body of the ship. I painted the sails white first and then added a diluted brown to the top and spread it gently and dissolving it to the bottom until the sail looked older and used. I hope you liked my video and got some inspiration to start your own projects. Have fun!
P.S. You can find more information about this project, plus the patterns here: www.instructables.com/id/DIY-Cardboard-Pirate-Ship
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